I don’t believe we’re here to live mediocre lives, to just pay bills and die. We all have grander dreams and visions and we can manifest them if we know how to master our own mind. That’s what I help people do with my spiritual and intuitive coaching services. 

Pinky Jangra Coaching

I’ve long known that I wanted to run my own business, to speak, teach and guide others for a living. You too, may have an inkling of what you want to create in your life, the business and the lifestyle you would love.

But let’s be real here, the process for creating it can be tough! I’ve had so many mess ups, suffered much confusion and pain, I struggled to get results and I’ve often found the whole process of creating my dreams rather unenjoyable! And that annoyed me because I really wanted those dreams! Well, if you resonate, come into my camp and grab a cuppa, you’re in good company and we are not alone.

Things changed for me when I discovered a structure that helps me bring my visions to life. It works better than anything I’ve seen after 18 years in the human development industry.

Trust me, I’ve been around a bit! This work has changed both my personal and professional life – I’ve broken through 40 yrs of dysfunctional family dynamics, manifested the most spectacular relationship, a new home and a business that continues to develop and grow.

In a nutshell, there are 4 main things you need to bring your fiery desires into reality:

1. Uncover the juicy truth in your heart

What do you truly want? Instead of batting around in that logical mind of yours (which is so limited) get into your heart and dare to dream. What is the highest version of what you want to create? Imagine it, receive it, visualise. Let looooose! Goodness, I love this part, it’s SO FUN!

2. Unlock your soul blueprint

What makes you, ‘you’? What are your innate gifts and talents? What are you here to express, and be? The cosmic joke is that we think we need to be something other than who we are, in order to have the life we want. Nope. You just need to do you!

3. Take inspired actions and get creating

Combine your vision (1) with your innate talents (2), to create a truly explosive combination. And from here, get creating! Walk the path of being a conscious creator. Take intuitive actions, learn, adapt and grow, build momentum and bring your dreams to life.

4. Handle your inner gremlins along the way

These pesky gremlins are the sole reason that we don’t manifest our dreams! Whether it’s self doubt, lack of focus, imposter syndrome, unworthiness or insecurity – we all have gremlins. It’s crucial that we know how to pacify them, so we can get back to the business of creating what we’d love.

   As an owner and leader of a growing business, Pinky has been absolutely invaluable in supporting me to develop the vision for my business, and helping me to clarify my role in realising that vision as a leader. Pinky’s extensive experience has meant that she has been able to tailor that support so that it entirely suits my style and values, and strikes the right balance between continuing to challenge, and nurturing self-belief. I would whole-heartedly recommend Pinky to anyone who is aiming to develop their own leadership skills and capabilities as part of achieving their long-term goals.

Mike Barber

Founder and Director, Seagry Consultancy Ltd

   Pinky helped me to cement and hone in on my mission. As a lightworker sometimes it is overwhelming to be ‘in business’ when my real work I feel is just to help people heal! Sometimes whilst stuck contemplating how to make money, you can lose sight of the reason we are doing the work in the first place. The space Pinky holds can be trusted, her wisdom and ability to tap into your greatness both reminds and uplifts. A session can have you walking on air, but also putting your roots deep in the earth in order to manifest your bigger purpose.

Sarah Bolton

Life Coach

   Pinky is a truly magical space holder. She’s able to access deep knowing and wisdom well beyond a normal coaching session. New realms of vision and possibilities open up under her guidance. She deeply understands all aspects of the human journey. She brings this knowledge and experience and, adds her magical touch using intuition in a way that takes your session to a whole new level! If you want to be facilitated in dreaming big for both your personal and business end results, then book a Visioning Session with Pinky today! You’ll be truly amazed!!

SH Ireland

Big Day Consultant

   Pinky is excellent at what she does, she will work with you to create the best version of YOU, she will advise you but most importantly, she will listen to you. I learnt so much about myself since working with Pinky and she’s very passionate about what she does which is refreshing to see.

Sadiye Booker

Social Media Manager and Freelance Marketing Consultant

  If you are feeling stuck or lost or confused in your life right now or if you just want more from where you’re at I would strongly recommend a coaching session with Pinky. Her coaching style is very different, she’s a very personable and I leave each session with such high energy every single time. She has really helped me maintain a healthy mental state especially during Covid-19 and the stressful situations that I have been surrounded with in the past year. She has really helped me find I own self-worth!

Rita Puri



Two 90 minute sessions where we use powerful visualisation techniques to uncover your greatest vision and your innate gifts and talents. We then turn these into super duper goals that anchor you in what you want to create.


If you want to go deeper into consciousness coaching and really learn how to master your own mind and become a conscious creator of your reality, then coach with me. As we walk the path of manifesting your goals, we’ll encounter and pacify those gremlins using advanced consciousness and spiritual techniques. We’ll keep orienting you into higher states of consciousness, where your visions get richer, your soul gets brighter and your power to manifest becomes magical beyond belief! Take note – resistance is real and work is required, action must be taken! But if you’re willing, there’s gold at the end of this rainbow.

Have a call with me to see if these services are right for you and to make sure we’re a good fit before you commit


Staff resilience and wellbeing training for teams and organisations


Resilience, wellbeing and inspirational talks for organisations and events